Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Jabba the Hutt on eBay

Jabba the Hutt

Those who cannot remember Jabba the Hutt ought to be thrown into the Sarlacc Pit themselves! This is one mean-looking, overweight villian whom we can credit for getting Princess Leia into that scantily clad suit. Anyhow, there is a life-sized Jabba replica making the rounds on eBay, just make sure you have deep pockets before placing your bid as it currently costs $13,000. Of course, you'd need a pretty large living space as well to store this 3.7 meter long behemoth, but hey - if you can fork out a cool thirteen grand for something as frivolous as this, I'm pretty sure you stay in a mansion of some sort.

[source: www.ubergizmo.com]

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