Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Hypercolor Spoons: Red When Your "Soup" is Hot

Hypercolor Spoons: Red When Your

Labeled "powerful" by Gizmodo's own Brian Lam (he may have had some sarcasm in that IM), the Color Changing Spoons shift color based upon the temperature around them.

So let's run these spoons through a little field test scenario...

Scenario A
Jon: Male, 19 years old

Upon returning home drunk from the bars and amidst the courtship of a young lady, Jon decides to make a little snack for himself and his companion. Knowing Cambell's Chunky will give them the energy for "the big game", Jon heats some soup up in the microwave. When his date touches the steaming beef sirloin stew to her lips, it burns and disfigures them with puss-filled blisters. Meanwhile, the shock forces the girl to flail violently, causing her to knock her soup bowl, flinging the liquid into Jon's eyes. He is blinded for life.

Scenario B
Jon: Male, 19 years old

Upon returning home drunk from the bars and amidst the courtship of a young lady, Jon makes soup to power a night of romping. He also provides his lady with a Color Changing Spoon. She notices the soup is hot, waits, consumes and proceeds to get knocked up that eve.

3 spoons will only set you back $9.50, but a child will cost you much more. What's so powerful now, Brian Lam? – Mark Wilson

(c) www.gizmodo.com

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